About Us

Welcome to Cork Zero, your ultimate destination for premium non-alcoholic beverages! Founded by a group of friends and colleagues with a shared passion for enjoying a drink after work, Cork Zero was born out of a desire for better options that didn't leave us feeling hungover the next day.

As tech and e-commerce fulfillment professionals, we noticed a gap in the market for non-alcoholic beverages. Existing options were either slow to ship, offered a limited selection, or were overpriced. Determined to fill this gap, we embarked on a mission to create the largest online marketplace for non-alcoholic beers, wines, and spirits.

Over the past few months, we've been moonlighting tirelessly to curate a diverse range of alcohol-free alternatives that rival their alcoholic counterparts in taste, quality, and enjoyment. Our backgrounds in tech and e-commerce fulfillment have equipped us with the skills and expertise to build a seamless shopping experience that prioritizes convenience, affordability, and customer satisfaction.

At Cork Zero, we believe that enjoying great-tasting beverages shouldn't come at the cost of feeling drained the next day. That's why we're committed to providing you with an extensive selection of non-alcoholic options that cater to every palate and occasion. Whether you're looking for a refreshing beer, a crisp wine, or a sophisticated spirit, we've got you covered.

We're dedicated to offering fast shipping, a wide variety of choices, and competitive prices to ensure that you can enjoy your favorite drinks without compromise. Our goal is simple: to make non-alcoholic beverages accessible, enjoyable, and convenient for everyone.

Thank you for joining us on this journey. Cheers to a brighter, hangover-free future with Cork Zero!